Thursday, April 9, 2009

Social Media + Cats = Cool

Usually, cats and cat people don't go hand in hand with social things (social media, being social...having a social life...etc). But one genius decided to link his cat door to twitter (so he could tell when it was being utilized no matter where he was) and RFID (a small identification chip so he could tell WHICH cat was accessing the door). ON TOP OF THAT, it snaps a photo of the door in use to post in his tweet. THIS IS SO COOL I MAY JUST PEE ON MYSELF. ON PURPOSE.

The cats names are Gus and Penny. such cute names. Read more at Engadget.

Monday, April 6, 2009


I'm sorry, my faithful cat blog friends. I took a hiatus from the cat blog for the month of March, but I intend on bringing it back in full force!

To get things jump started, I'll post a link to an article about 50 animals who hate baths. Obviously, cats are well represented in this article, but one in particular caught my eye.

I really cannot use many words to describe this. In fact, the only thing I can use to describe this is ":("

he looks like someone just told him cat nip doesn't exist. Poor fella. To check out more, visit

Coming up: A review of a really good vacuum cleaner for your cat hair probs!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Caboodle Ranch

This guy is nuts. He went from a cat hating fool to a cat loving fiend in a year. He built a "ranch" in rural florida where 500 cats hang out and play and bask in the sunlight.

I am not sure if this is super cool or super weird. It's a bit of both, I'd say...I mean, he lives in like a shed that has no toilet or running water...but somehow he had a hundred thousand dollars to open up a cat sanctuary. I think he should get sponsored by the state or something so they can somehow legitimize it. I wouldn't want to take my kids here.

Monday, February 16, 2009

stop the presses

death, destruction, nuclear war, and the end of the world would be less heart stopping than this:

it's like the gods of cuteness decided that ENOUGH WAS ENOUGH. we're gonna make those damn humans understand each other for once and for all. we're gonna take the cutest creatures known in nature and make them FRIENDS.

I am pretty sure world peace would be possible if this was shown to everyone on earth.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Kittens: Inspired by Kittens!

My favorite little girl reading my favorite book.

On the first shot, you can clearly see the girl has a tattoo on her forearm. I'm not sure what it is, but i'm assuming it's something like this:

keep on the lookout for a post about cat and cat-related tattoos coming soon...

Friday, February 6, 2009

Quick Update

Sorry I've neglected you, my fellow cat lovers and loyal fans!

I swear it'll never happen again.

In the meantime, please enjoy this link:

Modern Cat

Basically, Modern Cat is the 1 stop resource for the lonely/rich/yuppie cat owner (I fall into at least one of those categories...unfortunately rich is not one of them). It features different designer cat accessories and toys all with that modern "Design Within Reach" aesthetic. Highly recommended for the snobby volvo-driving crowd.

Also, I have a quick video to share with you:

cuteness. 2. the. MAX.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Return Of The Roomba

Someone's been paying attention.

This is so cute my brain just barfed on itself.